Flywire API Sandbox

Flywire offers a sandbox environment where you can test the Flywire API.

Base URL

The base URL for the Flywire API Sandbox is

What's the difference between the sandbox and the production environment?

The sandbox and production environments behave almost identically, but you must take into account that:

  • In the sandbox, payments are not processed by Flywire’s network or partner providers.

  • Some payment methods that are available in production will not be available in the sandbox.

Registering for the Flywire API Sandbox

You need to register an application to be able to use the Flywire API Sandbox.

At the moment the process to register an application inside the sandbox environment is a manual process. You have to contact the Solutions team to get the credentials for your application.

What can I do with the Flywire API Sandbox?

The Flywire API Sandbox allows you to simulate scenarios for testing purposes. To make testing even easier for you, there are special magic values you can use to trigger various scenarios.

The magic values depend on your testing use case:

529 Payments

Testing payment status notifications.

One Off Payments

Testing payment status notifications.

Recurring Payments

Testing various scenarios for card and direct debit payments.

Pre-Authorization Payments

Testing Pre-Authorization scenarios.


Testing Refund scenarios.