Pre-Authorization Payments: Emails to Your Payer

How do I get the correct email address for sending the emails?

You'll receive the payer's email address in The postMessage of the Event Listener.

Make sure you use the email address you got via the postMessage for the emails to your payer. Even if you already have an email address in your system, your payer might have updated the email address in the UI Form.

Mandatory Emails for Pre-Authorization Payments

Note that for Pre-Authorization Payments the payment stays in Initiated until the funds are captured.
The email has to be sent after the funds are captured and the payment is processed into Guaranteed.


Email Description Example email from Flywire
Payment Guaranteed

You need to send this to your payer after Flywire received the money from the payer.

You'll know that this has happened when the payment is in status guaranteed, see Payment Status Notifications.