Recurring Payments: Emails to Your Payer

If you are using self-managed recurring payments, you need to make sure that you're communicating the steps and statuses of recurring payments to your payers, which means you have to send emails to your payers. If you are using Flywire-managed recurring payments, Flywire handles all emails for you.

Some emails are mandatory because of legal and compliance reasons.

How do I get the correct email address for sending the emails?

You'll receive the payer's email address in the postMessage of the event listener, see The postMessage of the Event Listener for more details.

Make sure you use the email address you got via the postMessage for the emails to your payer. Even if you already have an email address in your system, your payer might have updated the email address in the UI Form.

Are there specific emails for different kinds of recurring payments?

A recurring payment has a mode which defines its characteristics. Depending on the mode some emails or parts of their content might not be needed, for example there is no "last payment date" for an ongoing subscription.

List of Emails for Recurring Payments for Cards and Direct Debit

Payment Method Email Information Mandatory?

Direct debit

Delivery of mandate PDF

An email with the PDF mandate attached. It informs the payer that they have agreed to let Flywire charge their bank account according to the direct debit scheme.

The email is sent immediately after a payer fills out the direct debit form and confirms the mandate.

For EFT Canada, you have to send this email yourself.
For SEPA and BACS, you don't have to manage this email. The email is automatically sent by Flywire (for SEPA) or Finastra (for BACS),

Direct debit mandates for SEPA and BACS have to be stored for 3 years. Since the emails with the mandate are managed by Flywire (for SEPA) or Finastra (for BACS), Flywire or Finastra will store the mandate for you.


Mandatory for direct debit due to direct debit rules

Cards and direct debit

Initial sign up for recurring payments

Must be sent within 2 business days after the payer agreed to the recurring payments.

The email must include:

  • Total number of scheduled payments

  • Total payment amount

  • First payment date

  • Last payment date

You don't need to send this email for EFT Canada direct debit, since you already include this information in the "Delivery of mandate PDF" email (for details about the content see Important info for a "Delivery of mandate PDF" email for EFT Canada).

Mandatory for cards due to Card Scheme Rules

Mandatory for direct debit due to direct debit Scheme Rules

Cards and direct debit

Recurring payments pre-notification

The goal of this email is to guarantee that the payer is notified of the date and amount of the upcoming payment and be prepared to have those funds collected from their bank account.

The email must include:

  • The payment date

  • The payment amount

For cards:

You must sent the email 7 days before the payment will be charged.

For direct debit:

The email is sent 3 business days before the payment is charged.

For EFT Canada, you have to send this email yourself.
For SEPA and BACS, you don't have to manage this email. The email is automatically sent by Flywire (for SEPA) or Finastra (for BACS),



Mandatory for cards due to Card Scheme Rules

Mandatory for direct debit due to direct debit rules
Cards and direct debit Payment has been charged successfully Sent when a payment has been charged successfully.

Mandatory for cards due to Card Scheme Rules

Mandatory for direct debit due to direct debit Scheme Rules

Cards and direct debit Payment charge failed Sent when a payment charge failed, for example because of insufficient funds or an expired card.

Mandatory for cards due to Card Scheme Rules

Mandatory for direct debit due to direct debit Scheme Rules

Cards and direct debit Cancellation of recurring payments (by payer)

Sent when the payer canceled the recurring payments.

Optional, but highly recommended
Cards and direct debit Cancellation of recurring payments (by you or Flywire)

Sent when you or Flywire canceled the recurring payments, for example because too many payments failed.

Optional, but highly recommended
Cards and direct debit Recurring payments completed Sent when the last payment of the recurring payments has been made successfully. Optional, but highly recommended