Testing One Off Payments

Testing Payment Notifications for One Off Payments

You can test creating One Off Payments with different payment methods.

1. Choose the recipient for the test payment.

2. Create a Checkout Session.

Since you are testing status notifications, make sure to provide a notifications URL where you can receive the notifications via callbacks.

You'll receive a URL for the UI form in the API response.

3. Open the URL for the form in your browser.

4. In your browser, add the event listener code to the page.

5. Fill out the payer info fields in the One Off Payments form and click "next".

The fields do not affect the test scenario, you can fill them with any data you want.

6. Select the payment method.

The next steps depend on the chosen payment method. Which scenarios you can test also depends on the payment method:

  1. Enter magic values as the card holder’s first and last name depending on which scenario you want to test:

    Scenario First Name Last Name

    "Happy path", meaning no errors. 3DS will be triggered.

    The payment will successfully be charged.


    "Happy path", meaning no errors. 3DS will not be triggered.

    The payment will successfully be charged.


    Credit card is expired.

    Payments that try to use this card will not be charged successfully.


    Credit card is declined because of fraud suspicion.

    Payments that try to use this card will not be charged successfully.


    Credit card doesn't have enough balance and can't be charged for this payment.

    Payments that try to use this card will not be charged successfully.

  2. Use one of the demo credit cards for the credit card details:

    Brand Number Expiration date CVV
    Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 03/30 737
    Mastercard 5454 5454 5454 5454 03/30 737
    Amex 3700 0000 0000 002 03/30 7373

After you selected this payment method, enter the following values:


(The demo IBAN is a Spanish IBAN, which means you must choose Spain as a country.)

Account Holder Name


Email Any fake email address


7. Send the form.

If you used a scenario that triggers 3DS authentication, you now see the Flywire 3DS authentication simulator. Enter the word password in the password field and click on continue to complete the authentication.

8. Check the notifications.

The payment is now created according to your scenario. You'll receive the following notifications:

Within the next 30 seconds:


This is the end of this scenario.

Within the next 1 minute:


Cancelled (immediately after initiated)

This is the end of this scenario.